CPR/First Aid (Des Moines)

Local 33 Union Hall 2501 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA, United States

Register for this class UA Card Number (include two zeros at the front of your card#)* Last Name (lowercase)* function class_registration(){ //var login_type = jQuery("select").val(); var login_type = "ua-card"; var card_number = jQuery("input").val(); var ua_password = jQuery("input").val(); var id_class = ""; if(login_type=="" || card_number=="" || ua_password==""){ alert("Please fill out all required fields before registering!"); } […]

EPA 608 Update

Local 33 Union Hall 2501 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA, United States

Register for this class UA Card Number (include two zeros at the front of your card#)* Last Name (lowercase)* function class_registration(){ //var login_type = jQuery("select").val(); var login_type = "ua-card"; var card_number = jQuery("input").val(); var ua_password = jQuery("input").val(); var id_class = ""; if(login_type=="" || card_number=="" || ua_password==""){ alert("Please fill out all required fields before registering!"); } […]

Union Meeting

Local 33 Union Hall 2501 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA, United States

Great Pumpkin Pick

Great Pumpkin Pick 4030 NE 150th Ave, Elkhart, IA, United States

You’re Invited! Enjoy Family-Friendly Activities! Food & Drink Train Rides Hay Rack Rides S-Mores Bouncy House Face Painting Pick Your Own Pumpkins

Retiree Luncheon

Local 33 Union Hall 2501 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA, United States

Weld Certification

Local 33 Union Hall 2501 Bell Avenue, Des Moines, IA, United States

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